Tag: AB
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa.
American Bowling Congress Abc Alcoholic Beverage Control American Blood Commission
A & B CA
Antiqua and Barbuda Court of AppealThis is the Court abbreviation of the above Court name.
Abstracts in English Description of ABSE System which stores bibliographic data and abstracts of published patent applications, bibliographic data of accepted utility models in the English language (CN)
Abstracts in English Description of ABSE System which stores bibliographic data and abstracts of published patent applications, bibliographic data of accepted utility models in the English language (CN)
Australian Bankruptcy Cases Index of Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms in English For abbreviations of law journal titles, see also the list of law journals indexed (which may include several items related to Australian Bankruptcy Cases) by the Encyclopedia of Law (choose letter the […]
Australian Bankruptcy Cases Index of Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms in English For abbreviations of law journal titles, see also the list of law journals indexed (which may include several items related to Australian Bankruptcy Cases) by the Encyclopedia of Law (choose letter the […]
"Australian Business Law Review Australia" Australian Business Law Review Index of Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms in English For abbreviations of law journal titles, see also the list of law journals indexed (which may include several items related to […]
"Australian Business Law Review Australia" Australian Business Law Review Index of Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms in English For abbreviations of law journal titles, see also the list of law journals indexed (which may include several items related to […]